Programme SAP SAPFACCG - FI Summarization Structure Layout

1353125AC interface: Document split in FI for incoming invoices
1023317Legal Change: Vat Due date
1299302Tax reporting date is not saved
633462Encrypting credit card data
1235415Legal Change: Vat Due Date for release 4.6C and 4.70
1232273BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST: VATDATE not transferred
1031706NewGL Migration: Cost element (COST_ELEM) field not filled 2
1086103PSCD and RE-FX: RFKKGL20: KONTT and KONTL differences
1067350ALE in NewGL: Field 'Cost element' (COST_ELEM) not filled
789853Acquisition Tax Accruals
622913Extending structure ACCIT by field XMWST
525276User-defnd BSEG flds not trnsfrrd after SP 30 import for 46C
63019RFBIBL00 'D': fields missing in accounting doc
386672MIRO: OTA address data is incomplete
304854Missing local currency for VPRS in FI/CO interface
181183Down payment account tax category is ignored
138218OXK3: Problems with customer fields in batch input