Programme SAP SAPDBFMF - Logical Database FMF : Database Program

Logical Database for Funds Management

Using logical database (LDB) FMF is an easy way to import master dataand transaction data and then process them.
The selection of master data is independent of the selection oftransaction data. The assignment of transaction data to the respectivemaster data is, in contrast to LDB F1F, not statistical and results inbetter performance. The corresponding assignment is only performedduring the execution of a report that uses the FMF LDB.
In setting the indicators Master data is selective orTransaction data is selective, the users themselves can decidewhether the master data is selected first and then the correspondingtransaction data; or whether the transaction data is selected first andthen the attributes of the corresponding master data.

  • Master data is selective

  • If this indicator is set, all funds, funds centers and commitment itemsof the current FM area are imported to an FM area. As soon as the FMaccount assignments have been defined according to the selectioncriteria, only the transaction data (budget values as well ascommitment and actual values) is selected for these.
    This indicator should, for example, be used if an evaluation is to becarried out for only a limited number of FM account assignments.
    • Transaction data is selective

    • If this indicator is set, all transaction data is first selected for anFM area. The master data is then only selected for the relevant FMaccount assignments according to the corresponding selection criteria.
      This indicator should, for example, be used if an evaluation is to beperformed for only a small number of document numbers, but the FMaccount assignment is not known.
      Whereas the FM account assignments are depicted along with theirrespective attributes in the master data nodes, the nodes for thetransaction data in essence are divided into totals records and lineitems. The totals records can be used if you want to get an overview ofthe whole situation. The line items are best suited for a detaileddepiction of special business transactions.

      Notes on individual nodes of the LDB
      If a report is processing the node Year-end closing (FMCFX) inorder to display year-end closing data, an additional parameter for thefiscal year to be closed (or already closed) as well as 2 selectionbuttons will appear on the selection screen. This means on the one handthat year-end closing data can always only be displayed for onefiscal year. On the other hand, you can use the selection buttons todifferentiate whether the values already carried forward are to bedisplayed, or whether the values that have been preselected forcarryforward are displayed.
      The nodes Funds (FFND), Funds center (FCTR) andCommitment item (FPOS) cannot be processed together with nodeFM account assignment (FMAA) in the same report. You should usenodes FFND, FCTR and FPOS when only master data (funds, funds center orcommitment item) but not tranaction data is to be selected; or whentransaction data is to be selected first and the attributes of allattributes (such as short text) of the FM account assignment are notneeded for the evaluation, but only the fund (or funds center orcommitment item) for example.
      The General selection criteria for FMF node (FMF_SEL_SCREEN) isonly for the generation of the selection screen. In the GETFMF_SEL_SCREEN, the fields of the nodes are always transferred emptyand only once.
      The nodes for the transaction data (BPBTX, BPBPX, FMTOX, FMOIX, FMFIX,FMCOX, FMCFX) always contain the key FM account assignment. In doingso, the transaction data is assigned to the master data.


      • Parameters for node General selection criteria for FMF
      • (FMF_SEL_SCREEN)
        Parameter for performance optimizing
        P_FMBUD = 'X' Master data is selective
        First the master data is selected and then all the transaction data forthis master data.
        P_BUDFM = 'X' Transaction data is selective
        First the transaction data is selected and then the master data forthis transaction data.
        P_FMAADN 'X' Including subordinate FMAA
        All subordinate FM account assignments in accordance with theBudget structure areselected for the selected FM account assignments.
        P_FMAHIE 'X' Hierarchical order
        The selected FM account assignments are issued in hierarchical order inaccordance with the Budgetstructure.
        P_STAMM 'X' Only master data posted to
        The only FM account assignments that are selected are those for whichtransaction data is selected. You should only use this parameter inconjunction with parameter Master data is selective.
        • Parameters for node Assigned FM account assignments (FMAAREL)

        • P_ED 'X' Unilateral CE
          The only FM account assignments selected are those relevant forunilateral cover eligibility.
          P_UD 'X' Revenues increasing the budget
          The only FM account assignments selected are those relevant forrevenues increasing the budget.
          P_GD 'X' Cover pool
          The only FM account assignments selected are those relevant for coverpools.
          P_RP 'X' Revenues cover pool
          The only FM account assignments selected are those relevant forrevenues cover pools.
          P_ONLY_R Only FM account assignments eligible for cover
          'X': Only the master data (or transaction data) of FM accountassignments with cover eligibility relationships is selected.
          SPACE: The master data (or transaction data) of FM account assignmentsthat have no cover eligibility relationships is also selected.
          • Parameters for node FM account assignments assigned to collective
          • expenditure (FMSNREL)
            P_CENT = 'X' Central
            The node FMSNREL contains the central collective expenditure FM accountassignments.
            P_DEC = 'X' Local
            The node FMSNREL contains the local collective expenditure FM accountassignments.

            An important aspect when using FMF is performance. You should thereforerestrict the selection criteria for FM area, fund, funds center,commitment item, functional area or cover pool as greatly as possible.For this reason, these selection fields appear as standard on theselection screen of all programs that use FMF.
            If possible, parameter Master data is selective orTransaction data is selective should be prespecified in thereport, so that the user cannot select any settings that have anegative effect on performance.
            You can also define the selection criteria for funds, funds centers andcommitment items using the classification on the selection screen.
            You can define extended selection criteria using the dynamic selection.This allows you to call up many fields of the node being used in thecorresponding report (such as document number) for the definition ofselection criteria.
            You can select the data source for reports with the nodes FMFIX (lineitems from FI documents) and FMTOX (totals records: commitment actual).You can enhance the selection from the database tables using theselection of the archived data. The archived data can be accessed usingthe archive information system or by selecting the files manually. Inthe case of manual selection of archive files, the correct archivingobject must be entered. For reports that process the node FMFIX, youenter the archiving object FM_DOC_FI and FM_ACTSUM for reports thatprocess the node FMTOX.
            It is not possible to define a maximum number of hits (parameterP_MAXSEL) for reading from the archive; all corresponding data isread.