Programme SAP SAPDBC1F - Logical Database C1F

The selection criteria control the range of data selected in thelogical database. There are four groups:

  • Master data selection

  • You can restrict selection by:
    FM area
    Commitment items
    All commitment items above the one specified
    All commitment items subordinate to the one specified
    • Financial budget

    • The totals records can be selected by period or year.
      • Actual/commitment totals records and line items

      • Cash holdings
      • Note
        Program SAPDBC1F controls accesses to Cash Budget Management masterdata and transaction data. Since the program contains only physicalaccess routines for the logical database, you cannot execute itseparately. Use transaction SE36 to view the database structure.

557791Dimension FUND in Cash Budget Mgt. Drilldown reporting
595794Performance of line item report for several items