Programme SAP SAPBC_REPLICATE_FLIGHTS - Replicate Flight Data in Travel Agency Systems (in Distributed Case)

Replicating Flight Data in Travel Agency Systems (in the distributedexample)
This report enables the system to replicate changed flights (entries inSFLIGHT) in a distributed environment (ALE) to the other systems.
In a distributed environment, there is exactly one original system forevery airline. (Here, multiple airlines can work in a single system.Travel agency systems, where no airline has an original system, canalso exist.)
All flights for the airline (SFLIGHT) exist in its original system. Inall other systems, only copies exist.
If certain flights are changed in the original system, you can then usethis report to replicate the changed flights and therefore guaranteethe consistency of the data. (The data for the flight data model is notconnected to a change pointer. If flights are changed manually, thenthe person making these changes must also execute the report manually.)
Comment: The reports SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR and SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR_ALEmust be used when generating an initial and consistent dataset for theflight data model. This report (SAPBC_REPLICATE_FLIGHTS) must only beused when replicating a later change to individual flights.

- The flight data model is used in a distributed environment (ALE). TheALE distribution model and all other ALE settings (logical receivers,partner profiles, ALE outbound processing, ALE inbound processing) areentered correctly.
- Flight data is generated in all the systems involved, using the datagenerator (SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR and SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR_ALE).
- In the system, flights are changed at a later time. This involvesflights from airlines that have their original in this system. Nochanges can be made to the flight plan (SPFLI), merely changes to theflights themselves (SFLIGHT). In this way, existing flights can bechanged and new flights can be added. However, no existing flight canbe deleted.


In the input template, the flights that are to be replicated can bespecified by airline, flight number, and flight data. Due toperformance reasons, we recommend that you make the selection asprecise as possible. (However, it is not necessarily a problem ifunchanged flights are replicated.)

The flight data is replicated in all other systems. The receivers aredetermined from the ALE distribution model.