Programme SAP SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR - Create Data for Flight Data Model

The report SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR belongs to the flight data model that isused in the ABAP documentation and also in a lot of training courses(for example, in the ABAP, Internet Transaction Server and SAP WebApplication Server areas). The report deletes and generates (on demand)entries in the following database tables:
SCURX (Currencies)
SCURR (Exchange rates)
SCARR (Airline carriers)
SGEOCITY (Geographical city data)
SAIRPORT (Airports)
SCITAIRP (City-to-airport allocation)
SAPLANE (Aircraft type)
SCPLANE (Cargo plane)
SCUSTOM (Customers)
STRAVELAG (Travel agencies)
SBUSPART (Business customers)
SCOUNTER (Sales counter)
SPFLI (Connections)
SFLCONN (Flight connections offered by travel agency)
SFLCONNPOS (Legs of flight connections)
SFLIGHT (Flights)
SCARPLAN (Airline carrier-to-aircraft assignment)
SMEAL (Inflight meals)
SMEALT (Description of inflight meals)
SSTARTER (Inflight meal - appetizers)
SMACOURSE (Inflight meal - main courses)
SDESSERT (Inflight meal - desserts)
SMENU (Menus)
SBOOK. (Bookings).
These database tables are delivered by SAP.
The report has a selection screen, on which you can specify the datathat you want to generate.
Under Dataset you can select the amount of data in theabove database tables. The options have the following meanings:
Delete table entries: All table entries in the currentclient are deleted.
Minimum data record, standard data record, maximum data recordor monster data record: The tables SPFLI, SFLIGHT and SBOOKcontain the data listed on the selection screen.
The other tables listed above always contain the same number of entriesif you select the second, third, fourth or fifth radio buttons.

  • You can only select the checkbox Enable Internet user if
  • there is no SCUSTOMER entry in the table BFUSER_TYP.
    • Select the Generate log list checkbox for a log list of
    • the data. You can choose between a detailed log (containing all entriesof all tables) and a short version, which lists the number of entriesonly. The detailed version is only possible for the two smaller datarecords, and only when the report is executed online.
      When you run the report in the background, as a precaution for the log,"Print immediately" is automatically deactivated in the user master (ifset). If you do want to print out the log, you must do it in connectionwith the report, using output control (transaction SP01).
      This report has a relatively long runtime, so we recommend that youstart it in the background. (You must start the two largedatasets - maximum and monster - in the background, since the maximumonline work processing time would otherwise be exceeded.)
      The following variants exist:
      SAP&BC_MINI: Minimum dataset, no logging
      SAP&BC_STD: Standard dataset, no logging
      SAP&BC_MAX: Maximum dataset, no logging
      SAP&BC_MONSTER: Monster dataset, no logging

      As well as the database entries, a log list is generated.

      The report requires the following number range intervals:
      SBOOKID, SCUSTOMID, SBUSPID, SFLTRIPID. You may have to create these(transaction SNRO) before executing the report.
      If no number range intervals exist for these number range objects, thedata generator creates them (in each case, interval 01 with internalnumber assignment, partly with subobjects, numbers from 1 to 2000000).