Programme SAP SAPBC_CANCEL_RESERVATIONS - Cancel Unconfirmed Reservations (SBOOK)

In the SAP flight data model, as of Release 6.10 you have the option ofcreating flight bookings (entries in SBOOK) with the status "Reserved"temporarily, and then later confirming to transport them to status"Booked". From a technical point of view, this is necessary when theflight booking results from a different system as part of an ALEscenario. In this case, a reservation is first generated synchronouslyand then confirmed asynchronously.
A reservation like this is guaranteed for at least 24 hours, afterwhich it expires.
This report finds all old and unconfirmed reservations in the currentsystem, and cancels them. In this way, the reservation (entry in SBOOK)is set to "Canceled" and the reserved seat on the flight (entry inSFLIGHT) is released once again. This affects all reservations whichwere made at least two days previously. (Since no time is stored, noexact definition of the 24h interval is possible.)
The report must therefore always be executed if you want to canceloutdated reservations. If the flight data model was constructed as anALE scenario, the report must be scheduled to run automatically eachday (preferably during the night, and after midnight).

The flight data model is being used and corresponding data isavailable.
