Programme SAP SAPARSCN - General (Technical) Archive Scanner for Every Archiving Object

This program enables you to display the contents of an archive for anygiven archiving object. You can display every data record except thearchiving class.
Since the data records are created technically (not per application),this program is primarily designed for use by system administratorsand/or users with the appropriate technical background.
For most archiving objects, the object identification is the databasekey of the leading object part, and can normally be easily interpreted(see example below).
If you require a detail log, the system displays both the objectidentification and the individual data records. The record type isgiven first (name of the database table) followed by the content of thedata record. The individual data records are not formatted according totype meaning that certain fields in the data records appear coded (#).

The leading object part for financial accounting documents (archivingobject FI_DOCUMNT) is the document header (table BKPF), the key forwhich is client-company code-document number-fiscal year. The object isidentified by listing this data in this order.
Additional data records in the corresponding archives are the lineitems (table BSEG). Depending on the type of document, additional datarecords like BSET, BSEC, BSED, ... can be assigned to the document, inwhich case they will also be present in the archive.