Programme SAP R_SRS_PI_DELETE_POS_EVENTS - Physical Inventory During Open.Time: Reorg. of POS Transactions

This report allows you to reorganize entries in table WSTI_POS_EVENT. Ina reorganization run, the program deletes all entries from the tablewhose transaction date is before a specific date. There are two ways ofdefining this date in the system:

  • You enter the number of days.

  • In this case, the program deletes all the entries from the table thatare older than the timeframe you enter. We recommend this procedure ifyou want to execute this program periodically. If you enter 0 or leavethe field blank, the program deletes all entries except for those whosetransaction date is today.
    • You enter the date.

    • We recommend this procedure if you do not want to execute the reportperiodically.


      • Today's date is, for example, 22.06.2004. You select "Determine
      • Automatically (for Periodic Start)", enter the value 10 in the "Numberof Days" field, and then choose "Execute". The system deletes all POStransactions that are older than 10 days. In this example, older than 10days means all POS transactions whose transaction date is before the12.06.2004.
        • Today's date is, for example, 22.06.2004. You select "Enter Manually",
        • enter today's date as the transaction date (22.06.2004), and thenchoose "Execute". The system deletes all POS transactions whosetransaction date is before 22.06.2004. In this example, all POS transact
          ions except those that were made today are deleted.
          • Today's date is, for example, 22.06.2004. You select "Enter Manually",
          • enter tomorrow's date as the transaction date (23.06.2004) and choose"Execute". The system deletes all POS transactions whose transactiondate is before 23.06.2004. In this example, ALL POS transactions willbe deleted, including those from today.