Programme SAP R_SRS_PDC_GR_DOCUMENT_OUT - SRS MDE Goods Receipt: Report for Download of Reference Documents

This report transfers (exports) goods receipt reference documents forthe selected plants to theSAP Business Connector.
The system determines the open goods receipts for each plant. You canenter a period relative to the start date of the report in Customizingfor SAP Retail Store to determine the goods receipt date. The goodsreceipt date can be overwritten on the selection screen of the report.If you are planning the report periodically, you can make a setting sothat the goods receipt date on the selection screen is also providedwith values relative to the start date.
In addition, you can choose on the selection screen which GR documentsshould be selected, formatted and transferred to the interface. You canchoose between the following documents:

  • Purchase orders

  • Material documents (putaway from stock transfers)

  • Deliveries (including delivery notes and shipping notifications)

  • Handling units (selection only possible in context of deliveries)

    You must implement a suitable service for processing the data exportedto the Business Connector.

    You can also plan a parallelprocessing to export the data. A separate process is started foreach selected plant. You can enter a server group for the parallelprocessing. You can restrict the number of parallel processes byentering a maximum number for the current processing if other processesare to be executed from other jobs on the server group. Any errors thatoccur in the processing are logged in the application log (transactionSLG1) under object W_SRS and subobject PDC_GR.