Configuration Changes for Networks

If a network is created by copying a configurable standard network andis manually assigned to a sales document, the characteristic valueassignment can be copied from the sales document. If the configurationis changed later in the sales document, the network is notautomatically changed.
This report program selects networks for which the charcteristic valueassignment has been copied, for example from a sales document, and thisconfiguration has changed since the network was last changed. The usercan choose whether the system just displays a list of the selectednetworks or whether a change comparison (see configuration changemanagement) is carried out for the selected networks.
The report program can also be carried out as a batch job.


Only display list:
The networks whose configuration is no longer current are displayed .The system also checks whether an earlier change comparison was notcompleted. If this is the case a message is issued for the relevantnetwork
Execute change comparison:
The system checks all networks to see if a change comparison ispossible. If errors or conflicts occurred before the comparison wascarried out, a red traffic light appears with a corresponding errormessage in the log. If the errors or conflicts occurred duringexecution, a yellow light appears. If the changes comparison isexecuted without problems, a green light appears.