Programme SAP RW_CREATE_PI_DOC - Create Physical Inventory Docs for Unrestricted-Use Stock (Retail)

You can use this program to create physical inventory documents withoutspecial stock (area Inventory Management - Physical Inventory) for anumber of plants. This functions in the same way as program M07II31(transaction MI31), albeit the program functions have been reducedconsiderably to optimize program performance. Note the restrictionsbelow when checking how you can useoy this program. If you require afunction that is not provided by this program, use program RM07II31 tocreate physical inventory documents.
This program has been specially developed for physical inventories instores in the area of Retail. It is the program that was provided in OSSNote 314208 as an advance development for earlier releases.

When you execute the program, all materials are selected according tothe selection criteria specified, and physical inventory documents areimmediately created for them. There is no longer an interim step duringwhich inventoriable materials are displayed, and no batch input folderis created.

When you execute this program, the required physical inventory documentsare created immediately when a function module is called. However, it ispossible that when the function module is executed, error messages mayoccur that prevent materials being included in physical inventorydocuments. If the "Issue Log" indicator was flagged on the selectionscreen, these error messages are issued, after the program has run, in alist that the user can analyze. If you run the program in thebackground, the list is issued to the application log (for object R -Retailing, subobject W_PI_CRE - store physical inventory: Createphysical inventory documents) and can be analyzed with the standardapplication log tools (for example, transaction SLG1) at the end of theprogram. After correcting the cause of the error, you must rerun thereport to create physical inventory documents for the missing materials.The program then no longer selects materials for which physicalinventory documents have already been created.

Note the following functional restrictions for this program. If yourequire one of these functions, use program RM07II31 to create physicalinventory documents without special stock.

  • Compared with program RM07II31, the number of selection fields has been
  • reduced (transaction MI31). The only selection fields available areplant, storage location and material group.
    • Compared with program RM07II31 (transaction MI31), the selection options
    • regarding the level of stock have been reduced. Only one checkbox isprovided, "Materials Without Zero Stock". If this field is flagged, onlymaterials with a stock level other than zero are included in thephysical inventory documents.
      • Important: This report can only be used to create physical inventory
      • documents for the previous period if the "Materials Without Zero Stock"field is not flagged. If you use this field, you can simply enter a dateof the current or future period as the planned count date.
        • Important: You can only use this report to create physical inventory
        • documents with stock type 1 - warehouse stock. Neither stock types 2 or4, nor value materials can be included in physical inventory documents.If you require this function, use program RM07II31 (transaction MI31).
          • You cannot restrict the number of materials to be included on the
          • selection screen.
            • The only grouping option is according to material group. When you choose
            • this form of grouping, material group-specific physical inventorydocuments are created. The material group is therefore flagged in thephysical inventory document header.