Programme SAP RWYPROTDV - Changes to default data that were not forwarded

This program is only of interest to Retail users.
The program logs the changes that were made to the "Default value" inthe vendor master but were not transferred to the material master data/purchasing data affected.
The changes are not forwarded to the material master data/purchasinginfo record data if this is blocked at the time of processing. In thissituation, the old and new value of the fields in each affected segmentare logged in a table. The new value is the value that would haveresulted if the segement had not been blocked, and could therefore havebeen changed.

On the basis of the selection criteria entered for vendor and date, allthe affected data is listed. If no vendor or date is entered, all thedata to be logged is listed. For runtime reasons, you are advised to atleast enter search data for the vendor.
You can have the log data listed for the material master data or thepurchasing info record data.
If you only want a quick overview of whether there are any materialsfor which the default values could not be forwarded from the vendormaster, do not select the "Detailed output" checkbox. As a result, noold and new field values will be included.
If you want detailed information, the old and new values of all fieldsthat can be forwarded from the vendor master to the material masterdata/purchasing info record data are included.
If you want to delete the log data, select the relevant checkbox. Thelog data for the vendor/date selected is then deleted. This applies tothe logs for both the material master data and the purchasing inforecord data.

In the Customizing settings for the vendor master, you mustdefine that the default values are to be transferred to the materialmaster data/purchasing info record data.

The data is output using the ABAP List Viewers. As as result, you areable to adjust the list layout to your individual requirements. Youcan, for example, increase the column width, or hide a column.