Programme SAP RWXPRASO - Conversion of assortment owner to assortment

All WRF1 entries for retail plants and assortment customers (in otherwords, for all SAP Retail assortment owners) are transferred to theobject "Assortment" (new for Release 4.0).
The "assortment" replaces the assortment owner.
All other associated data is copied from tables WRF6 (plant-materialgroup master) and KNVP (only with funtion SO) at the same time.
The assignment of assortment to "assortment user" has beenrestructured; the foundations for this new structure were laid in theprevious release and the new assignment is fully implemented in 4.0.
For customers that are to receive their own assortment list (possiblyincluding a price list) a "ranking" of "C" must be maintained intransaction WSOB.

Existing assortment entries (tables WRS1, WRST, WRSZ and WRS6) are notchanged!