Programme SAP RWWP001 - Planning Workbench

Selection Screen: Settings for Planning Workbench.

You can make individual settings for the applications integrated intothe Planning Workbench, and for their worklists. In addition, you canalso make settings for Internet services.

The Planning Workbench currently contains online planning, ordercancelation, load building, and Internet services.

The screen for the Planning Workbench settings contains the followingtabs:
Online Planning
The sections "Selection for Worklist", "Application Settings", and"Worklist Settings" affect the worklist of the Planning Workbench.Observe the F1 help for the individual fields. The other sectionscontain settings for the online planning itself. In addition, aninformation button containing detailed information on the individualfields is available at the top left-hand corner of the tab.
Order Cancelation
An information button containing detailed information on the individualfields and on the process of selecting the worklist is available at thetop left-hand corner of this tab. Observe the F1 and F4 help for theindividual fields.
Load Building
An information button containing detailed information on the individualfields and on the process of selecting the worklist is available at thetop left-hand corner of this tab. Observe the F1 and F4 help for theindividual fields.
Internet Services
You can specify a maximum of eight Internet links and e-mail addressesto be displayed in the worklist.
Display Settings
In this tab, you can make settings that affect the entire worklist forall applications. Observe the F1 help for the individual fields.


You can save the settings you have made as a variant with an ID, so thatyou do not have to enter this data each time you call up theapplication. This way, the system applies your current values to theselections and settings, or calculates them according to specific rules(for example "delivery date = yesterday's date"). In addition, you canalso permanently hide specific fields that you do not require.
If you always work with the same variant, it may be useful to save it asyour start variant. You do this in the menu by choosing Edit ->Start Variant. You can also specify that the system shall skip theselection screen. This causes the transaction to start with a display ofthe current worklist.
For further help on the entry options in selection screens, see the menuunder Goto -> Selection Screen Help.