Programme SAP RWWFAUSW - Conversion of plant profile field status => CAM

Central address management (CAM) has been introduced in the plantmaster for release 4.0. This central tool provides standardizedmaintenance of address data. In addition, you can maintain more addressdetails in the plant master.
The change-over to CAM requires conversion of the field status bars inthe plant profiles and transaction-dependent field selection in theplant master. So that the settings 'suppress', 'mandatory field','optional field' and 'display' retain their existing values for eachfield, the settings must be shifted accordingly. This report carriesout the conversion automatically. You can restart after interruption ofthis report at any time. This report marks entries which have alreadybeen converted, and these are not selected when the report is calledagain.
Plant master Customizing also reacts to manual changes to the plantprofiles and transaction-dependent field selection. Entries which arechanged manually are marked as updated in Customizing.
This ensures that manual changes are not overwritten and that entrieswhich have already been converted are not shifted further by a secondconversion.
Errors occur if no plant profile or transaction-dependent fieldselection exists. These are delivered by SAP and should thereforeexist. If errors occur for all entries, please contact your systemadministrator immediately.
If you cannot modify an entry using this report, reference is made tothe table and the key fields (client, ...) in the log. If you cannotconvert these records by restarting the program, you can make thesesettings manually in Customizing.

Plant profiles and transaction-dependent field selection should not bechanged manually in Customizing before you start this report. Thisreport does not convert settings which have been changed manually.