Programme SAP RWVLB00C - Reorganization of Condition Pointers

Reorganization of the condition change pointers for Investment Buying

In order to keep the amount of data in the system to a minimum, it isnecessary to reorganize data from time to time. Reorganizing dataspeeds up the system.
You should therefore start the program RWVLB00C regularly, withoutadditional constraints for vendor, purchasing organization and plant.
If necessary, you can also start the program with constraints and a'future end date'. This is useful if, for example, all the conditionchange pointers for a certain vendor are not relevant for theInvestment Buying run until a certain date.
When deleting change pointers the following rules are observed:

  • Change pointers with price changes before the end date will not be
  • available in future Investment Buying runs.
    • Change pointers that only contain price changes in the period after the
    • end date on the 31.12.9999, will also not be available in futureInvestment Buying runs.

      Change pointers that are to be deleted, but which still contain pricechanges after todays date, will not be deleted from the database, butwill be flagged as 'not relevant'.
      Since the condition change pointers marked as 'not relevant' will notbe taken into account in any future Investment Buying runs, you shouldonly use an end date in the future in exceptional cases.
