Programme SAP RWVKPIC3 - Subsequent Layout of Pricing Documents Directly from Conditions

This report is for retrospectively generatingpricing documents forconditions for sales prices
if there is no such document available. This may be because thecondition was created using the usual condition maintenance(transaction VK11). The starting point for the analysis used is formedby the condition table entries for the condition types for salesprices. Direct structuring of pricing documents from conditions
is therefore also discussed in describing this report, as opposed toretrospective structuring from the worklist (see reportsRWVKPIC1 and RWVKPIC2). Youspecify the condition type and the condition table for the analysis inthe selection screen.
The report assumes that only a few condition records without a pricingdocument are available in the condition table. For the unlikely eventthat the majority, or at least a large number, of the condition recordsdo not have a pricing document, report RWVKPIC4 wascreated.

As condition tables can have a large number of entries, blockprocessing had to be set up for analyzing the conditions and creatingthe pricing documents.
Conditions analysis takes place in blocks of 10,000 records. For thispurpose, a cursor is set in the database and a corresponding block isselected.
For each condition, the system checks whether a pricing document itemis available. If this is not the case, one or more pricing items arestructured for the condition concerned in accordance with the othercontrol parameters (see following description of indicators). Adistinction is made here between pricing items for which only a pricingdocument needs to be created (group 1), and those for which a newcondition needs to be created as well as a pricing document (group 2).The checks and structuring of price calculations take place for thewhole block. If the number of conditionrecords without a pricing document entered in the selection screenis exceeded after processing a block, the system generates (temporarilystores) one or two pricing documents depending on whether one or bothgroups (1/2) contain entries. Due to block processing, the pricingdocuments can contain considerably more than the number of itemsentered.
When temporary storage takes place, the cursor for selection is closed.The analysis then continues at the point where it left off. If thereport is interrupted in the meantime, you can also enter a startingpoint in the selection screen in the group box "Lower limit for programcontinuation". This can be taken from the log, which contains the firstand last record of a block.
It is often not necessary to create pricing documents for allconditions. This means that you can restrict the selection using theminimum validity period, for example.
If the indicator "Carry out new pricecalculation for conditions" is set, you can set the indicator "
No pricing document for old conditions
" at the same time so that a pricing document is not generated for"old" conditions either.
If the indicator "Include currencyconversion" is set, the system analyzes the conversion entries forprice calculations from organizational levels/material groups enteredin the Euro Workbench (see transaction WEWU).

The system creates a log for the report run. This contains details onruntime.
The log also contains details on processing the conditions. These are:

  • Number of conditions selected

  • Number of conditions without pricing document

  • Number of pricing items structured, for which only one pricing document
  • is to be created (group 1)
    • Number of pricing items structured, for which a new condition record is
    • to be created, either by a new price calculation or by includingcurrency conversion (group 2)
      • Number of pricing documents generated

      • Number of pricing document items actually created for group 1

      • Number of pricing document items actually created for group 2

      • The number of pricing document items actually created can be lower thanthe number of pricing items created, as errors can occur when carryingout price calculations for the pricing items structured. These errorsare then stored in the error log for this report.

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