Programme SAP RWVKPAD1 - Archiving: Deletion program for object W_KALK (pricing documents)


This deletion program executes the second step in archiving pricingdocuments, namely the deletion of archived data on the database. Itprocesses the archived files selected, i.e. when the program is run,only those sets of data can be deleted that exist in archive files.Pricing document header data is only deleted once all the relevantpricing document items are archived and deleted. This is controlled byan indicator when an archive file is created.

Selection screen
The archive tool offers you a selection of archive files for deletion.You can select the required archive files on a separate selectionscreen. Only two parameters control how the program runs. The "testmode" indicator enables you to run the program in test mode. No data isdeleted from the database. You can use this indicator, for example, tocheck if the archive files are being properly read. The indicator forissuing a log determines whether, in addition to the generalinformation on the program run, the system should issue information onthe runtime behavior of the program and on the data contained in thearchive file.

If you set the indicator to issue a log, a list is displayed of thetotal number of document read and deleted (not in test run).

Further information
Information on creating archive files for pricing documents and onreading archived documents can be found in the program documentation:

  • RWVKPAW1: Archiving write program for object W_KALK

  • RWVKPAR1: Archiving read program for object W_KALK