Programme SAP RWVKP04U - Convert TWPKO to TWKAO

This conversion program converts entries in the old table TWPKO (theassignment of pricing data to distribution chain/material group), whichcannot be used as of Release 1.2A1, to the new table TWKAO (theassignment of pricing type to organizational level).
In the new table TWKAO, which can be found by choosing CentralCoordination -> Sales -> Pricing -> Assign Pricing Type toOrganizational Level in the Retail Implementation Guide (IMG), youcan assign pricing types to a combination of distribution chain, pricelist and price point currency.
This conversion program makes entries in table TWKAO as follows:



  • TWEGO-PLTYP = ' '

  • TWEGO-WAERK = ' '


  • As the material group is an additional key field in table TWPKO, morethan one pricing type could be listed for a single distribution chain.If this occurs, all these pricing types are presented to the user in adialog box during conversion and one pricing type must be selected forassignment to the distribution chain.

    The start and end times of the conversion are entered in the log. Awarning is also logged if an entry intended for inclusion in the newtable TWKAO already exists there.