Programme SAP RWVKP03D - Analyzing and Deleting Change Pointers from the WIND table

Analyzing and Deleting Change Pointers in the WIND Table

This report:

  • provides information on the proportions of certain criteria (such as
  • condition type) to be found in the various worklists (differentiated bydocument category).
    • allows you to select change pointers for deletion.
    • Features
      The program selects all the change pointers according to therestrictions made in the selection screen for change pointers. Theresults are then filtered again using the entries made for conditions.
      If the indicator for checking the pointers against S111 is set, thedocument categories for which a comparison with document indexes occurs(pricing documents, for example) are checked to see whether documentindexes that correspond to the change pointers exist. Change pointerswith corresponding document indexes are filtered out. The aim ofthis is to delete any unnecessary change pointers from theworklist.
      If the indicator for displaying the log is set, the results of theanalysis (or deletion operation) will be displayed. You can alsorequest a list of the selected and filtered change pointers. Certainheader information (from table KONH) for the conditions that belong tothe change pointers is displayed.