Programme SAP RWVKP02D - Deletion of Change Pointers for Pricing Documents from WIND Table

Deleting change pointers for pricing documents from the "WIND" table

This report deletes unnecessary entries from the "WIND" table (DocumentIndex: Change Pointers for Condition Changes) in order to improveperformance when generating the pricing worklist, for example.
When you start the report in test mode and set the indicator forcreating log entries, you can also use the report to analyze theentries in the "WIND" table.

The change pointers in the "WIND" table are uniquely identified by thecondition record number ("WIND-KNUMH").
For all the selected entries from the "WIND" table, the headerinformation (table "KONH") from the condition records is added. If youhave entered restrictions for conditions in the selection screen, thesystem compares the header data with these entries and filters thechange pointers accordingly.
If you have set the indicator for the change pointers to be checkedagainst table "S111", the system searches for entries in table "S111"using the "variable key" from the condition record header data. Changepointers for which no entries in table "S111" exist are flagged fordeletion. If you do not set this indicator, all the filtered "WIND"entries are considered deletable.
If the program is not started in test mode, the change pointers thatare recognized as deletable are deleted from the database.