Programme SAP RWVKP014 - Currency conversion in price calculations

This report program enables you to convert price calculations that areheld in the system in pricing documents from one sales currency toanother.
This function will be used mainly in the dual currency phase ofEuropean Monetary Union for the mass conversion of price calculations.Please note that the system generates the new sales prices en massewithout prompting you for confirmation. So if you wish to convertspecific prices only, you should use the WEWU transaction instead.
You can specify the currency before conversion; the currency afterconversion is derived from the exchange rate tables. The system willonly convert price calculations with sales currencies that are tobecome invalid (pounds sterling, for example) and turn into anothercurrency (the Euro, for example) from a certain date.
The selection worklist for this report program can be restricted usingselection criteria or by specifying a particular pricing level.

The result of the conversion is stored in the EMU conversion tableWEWU. You can call this table in the WEWU transaction. You will findthe conversions you have carried out under "Processed by me" or"Coordinated by me".
In the functions mentioned above you can also branch to the new pricingdocuments generated by this report program (Goto --> Pricing document).