Programme SAP RWVKP010 - Pricing Worklist: Release by Organization

Program used for processing pricing documents in the pricing worklist.The list displayed is arranged by organizational level.
You can narrow down the pricing documents displayed in the worklist toparticular organizational levels and materials. You can also narrowdown your selection to a material group, vendor (and vendor sub-range),season (season category and season year) and/or purchasingorganization.
You can also narrow down the selection of documents by user who createdthe document and date of creation. This refers to the creation ofpricing documents in the pricing worklist, and not to the originalpricing documents on which the documents are based. In displaying thepricing worklist, you can select the items you want to process and thenswitch to change mode. Please note that sales price calculations withstatus "A" cannot be deleted from the pricing worklist.

Before you can display pricing documents in the pricing worklist, youmust have authorization to display sales price calculations andpurchasing information records.

A new page is created for every organizational unit. The document itemsare arranged on each page by material number and sales unit. Each ofthese items in turn are arranged by period of validity.