Programme SAP RWSVZUKT - Create Selection Variants - Key Figure Cats. + Inc. Generation

This report is used to create selection variants for key figure
categories. Entries are generated in tables MCWSVK and MCWSVF for the
application group 01 for all entries (or those selected by the user)
in table T625. The tables MCWSVK and MCWSVF are used to control accessto the Retail Information System.
The include file LMCWWTP0 is generated for this. This file contains
internal table definitions required for evaluation of RIS data and for
which entries are created in table MCWSVF.
You can also create selection variants in the Cusotmizing step for
defining selection variants in the allocation rule section. Please
note that the entries are made as follows: After you create the
selection variant in the Customizing step, you have to call thefunction module MCW_GET_VALUES_FROM_INFOSTUCT to generate the include
LMCWWTP0 in test mode.
Please refer to the documentation for the function module for the
required parameters.
Since you are creating selection variants for key figure categories,
key figure catgories must exist. These are created in the Customizing
step for defining and and assigning key figure categories.
Only once you have done this can you create selection variants for the
key figure categories.
For every information structure and assigned key figure fields of thekey figure category, the following entries are made in tables MCWSVKand MCWSVFt.
Table MCWSVK contains the header data of the selection variant. An
entry is made for key figure categories in table T625:
mcwsvk-svari = t625-ketyp (no of key figure category)
mcwsvk-svappgrp = '01' (for application Allocation)
mcwsvk-svinf = t625-tabname (info structure of key figure cat.)
mcwsvk-svtxt = t625t-kttxt (description of key figure category)
The following entries are inserted into table MCWSVF. First entries are
added for the selection. These entries depend on the information
structure of the key figure category and the RIS selection cirteriarequired for generating allocation rules.
An entry is inserted for the selection criterion Plants:
mcwsvf-svari = t625-ketyp
mcwsvf-svappgrp = '01'
mcwsvf-svfna = 'WERKS' (data field of information structure)
mcwsvf-svkzfuse = 'S' (for use as selection parameter)
mcwsvf-svrgpar = 'SL_WERKS' (name of range table passed onto FM)
An entry is inserted for the selection criterion Version:
mcwsvf-svari = t625-ketyp
mcwsvf-svappgrp = '01'
mcwsvf-svfna = 'VRSIO'
mcwsvf-svkzfuse = 'S'
mcwsvf-svrgpar = 'SL_VRSIO'
An entry is inserted for the periodicity of the info structure.
mcwsvf-svari = t625-ketyp
mcwsvf-svappgrp = '01'
mcwsvf-svfna = depending on the period either 'SPTAG', 'SPWOC','SPMON' or 'SPBUP'
mcwsvf-svsperi = depending on the period either 'T', 'W', 'M' or 'P'
mcwsvf-svkzfuse = 'S'
mcwsvf-svrgpar = depending on the period either 'SL_SPTAG','SL_SPWOC', 'SL_SPMON' or 'SL_SPBUP'
Entries are inserted for the material group hierarchy. Depending on
the hierarchy fields in the info structure, entries are inserted for
'MATKL', 'WGRU1', 'WGRU2' and 'MATNR'.
mcwsvf-svari = t625-ketyp
mcwsvf-svappgrp = '01'
mcwsvf-svsfna = 'MATKL', 'WGRU1', 'WGRU2', 'MATNR'
mcwsvf-svkzfuse = 'S'
mcwsvf-svrgpar = 'SL_MATKL', 'SL_WGRU1', 'SL_WGRU2, 'SL_MATNR'
The following entries are also inserted for the key figure fields in an
information structure assigned to a key figure category:
mcwsvf-svari = t625-ketyp
mcwsvf-svappgrp = '01'
mcwsvf-svfna = t625-fieldname (key figure field of key figure category)
mcwsvf-svkzfuse = 'R' (for return value of selection)

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