Programme SAP RWSORT46 - Display the Discontinuation Status of a Material

This report program stops the discontinuation process for the dataentered in the selection screen. The system first checks whether thematerial is currently in the process of being discontinued for a vendoror plant.
Reasons for calling this program include:

  • The material was mistakenly flagged for discontinuation.

  • The workflow for discontinuing the material is unclear and the material
  • is to be flagged for discontinuation a second time.
    • The material is a required entry.

    • A vendor or plant is an optional entry.
    • Precondition
      The discontinuation process has already been carried out once for thematerial.

      The following results are possible:

      • If the discontinuation process can be stopped successfully, the deleted
      • work items are deleted.
        • If the discontinuation process cannot be stopped, a log displays the
        • error that occurred.
          • If there is no discontinuation in process for the selection parameters
          • entered, a message is issued to this effect.
            • If the deletion flags for a material are reset client-wide, the
            • validity period is also reset to the maximum date.