Programme SAP RWRF_STOCK_SITUATION - Set Stock Situation

This report supports the selling off of consignment and floor stock andis to be carried out before posting of the POS sales. It checks thecorrectness of the stock situation of a material in a site and recordsthis in a table at material/site level. This means that only thedisposable stock of a material in a site is taken into account.
This is necessary because, in the framework of consignment processing,the stock situation is not always clear (for example, floor stock andconsignment stock from one or more vendors), and in the case of POSsales, the unambiguity of the stock situation must be checked and, ifnecessary, an explicit stock determination carried out.
By means of this report, the necessity of this explicit stockdetermination during the POS processing is reduced to the absoluteminimum.

This report is to be started by the system administrator at intervalsthat are appropriate to the organization. If this does not occurregularly, large data volumes can lead to performance problems.