Programme SAP RWRF_RWREGPRO - Space Management: Display Materials in Layout Module

For the specified parameters, this report displays all material masterdata and movement/transaction data that can be used for an externalspace management program. From the report, the space management planassigned to the layout module version can also be displayed, and thedata can be exported.

Required parameters are the layout module, version, and date for listing
, listing check, pricing, and the selection of movement/transactiondata. The system date is used as the default value. If the "Read Versionvia Date" indicator is set, the date is also used as the validity dateof the version.
In addition, either a customer or plant grouping must be entered, or theDo not select any customers or Select all customersindicator must be set.
The entered customer always has a space management profile, whichdefines, among other things, which data should be selected, which infostructure should be used for the selection of movement/transaction data,and which function module should be used for the data export. If a plantgrouping is selected, the space management profile of the referencecustomer is used.
In addition to the layout module version, a layout module variant can beentered. In the list, the materials of the layout module version aredisplayed in addition to those of the version, so that the spacemanagement program can tell which materials belong explicitly to thevariant, and which belong to the version itself.
If only a customer is selected, the variant of the layout module versionassigned via the local assortment is automatically selected, if one hasbeen assigned. If not, a layout module version must be specified.
If required, other control parameters can be set.

  • The indicator Selection via Date controls whether the date should
  • be used for version determination, rather than the selectable version.
    • The Listing Check indicator controls whether only the materials
    • listed or available for the selected customer at the specified point intime should be displayed, or all materials.
      • The Layout Check controls whether the system should check whether
      • the selected layout module and possibly also the variant (via localassortment) is assigned to the customer or to the plants in the plantgrouping. If the Do not select any customers indicator wasselected, it does not make sense to also set the Layout Checkindicator, because it is quite possible that a reference customer shouldbe assigned to a layout module, even though the layout module is notassigned to the reference customer. In this case, the reference customeris used only as the vendor for the space management profile.
        • The Select all customers indicator controls whether all plants to
        • which the layout module is assigned should be selected. In this case,too, the space management profile of the reference customer is used.
          • The Do not select any customers indicator controls whether only
          • master data and no movement/transaction data should be read. The lasttwo control indicators have priority over any customers or plantgroupings that were selected.

            A list is output that contains all materials with their master andmovement/transaction data for the layout module in question. Dependingon the indicator setting for the listing check, either all materials oronly the listed materials are displayed.
            In addition, all relevant header data for the selected data is displayedin the leader header.
            Depending on which function module is entered in the space managementprofile for data export, it may be possible to start data export bypressing a button.
            In addition, the date for the listing check or pricing can be changed atany time, and the planogram file assigned to the layout module can bedisplayed.
            For more information on formatting the list, see the documentation forfunction module Planogram_Data_Read_and_Disp and thedocumentation for function module BAPI_SITELAYMOD_ GETITEMS2.

            Two different input helps are available for entering the layout module:

            • Selection of all assigned layout modules that have the specified
            • customer as reference customer
              • Selection of all assigned layout modules that were assigned to the
              • specified customer. Here, the layout was assigned to the customer.
                The display of possible layout module versions is restricted to theentered layout module and the display of the variants to the layoutmodule version.
                If a customer other than the layout module reference customer wasspecified, the system issues a warning. If this message is ignored, thecustomer-specific data is selected from the selected customer.
                A warning is also issued if one or more customers do not have anymovement/transaction data for all materials of the layout moduleversion.