Programme SAP RWRF_RWLMVERM - Maintenance of Layout Module Versions

Maintenance of layout module versions

With this function, you maintain layout module versions for a layoutmodule.
The following functionalities are supported:

  • Copy of layout module versions with material assignment

  • Copy of layout module versions with material assignment and
  • layout module variants
    • Copy of layout module versions to another layout module

    • Creation, change, and deletion of layout module versions

    • Assignment of fixtures to layout module versions if the use of fixtures
    • is active
      Note the following restrictions:
      • Layout module versions with materials and/or layout module variants can
      • be copied. Only the material assignments to the layout module and to thevariants are copied, but not any assignments of these variants toassignments.
        • Versions that have already expired can no longer be changed.

        • There can be no overlaps in the validity periods of the individual
        • versions.
          • Only the end date of a version can be subsequently changed. Gaps in
          • versions can only be closed by extending the end date of the olderversion.
            • Later versions automatically have a higher version number.

            • When a new version is crated, the system automatically assigns the
            • next free version number.
              • If the status of the currently valid (active) version is reset to
              • "Planned", the system displays an information message.
                • Original version 0000 can never be deleted.