Programme SAP RWRF_RWLAYWOB - Space Managment: Layout Workbench

This report can be accessed in the following ways:

  • Plant

  • Layout module(s)

  • Assortment(s)

  • However, this is only possible if the multiple assignment of assortmentsto plants is active.
    Access via plant
    This access method is intended as an information medium for the storemanager. The system displayinformation for a plant is displayed and the relevantmaintenance options. All activities that could affectseveral plants, such as the maintenance of a layout module version, arenot possible here.
    In this access method, the system displays theplant layout structure in the followingfollowing hierarchy levels:
    • The layout assigned to the plant, and its assortments

    • The layout modules assigned to the layout

    • The versions of the layout modules with their variants

    • The documents assigned to the layout module versions

    • You can now carry out various activities in the layout workbench:
      • Go to the individual Customizing transactions e.g. for the maintenance
      • of space management profiles. However,Customizing activities are not normally permitted in a production system
        • Go to transaction for shelf maintenance via the menu

        • Go to transaction for layout module maintenance by double clicking on
        • the text, the layout module text or via the menu
          • Go to transaction for layout module version maintenance by double
          • clicking on a layout module version or via the menu. If you double click
            , the layout module versions of the relevant layout module aredisplayed.
            • Go to layout maintenance by double clicking on the layout or via the
            • menu
              • Go to display of plant master of the relevant plant to which the space
              • management profile and layout are assigned by double clicking on theplant
                • Display the error logs of the update BAPI of the interface to external
                • space management programs.
                  • Generate listing conditions. Only the current and the first future
                  • version of a layout module can be listed. You have two options here:
                    Generate listing conditions for all layout module versions for thisplant.
                    Select one or more layout module versions for whose materials listingconditions are to be generated. Only the released layout module versionscan be selected here. For both options, a prerequisite is that thematerials that are assigned to the layout module version have a facinggreater than zero, and that the layout module version has the statusReleased (= 02). A traffic light icon in the hierarchy indicates whetherthe listing conditions for the combination of assortment and layoutmodule version are current:
                    - Green light: The listing conditions for this version are current
                    -Yellow light: The version has been listed, but listing-relevantchanges have been made since the last listing
                    - Red light: The version has never been listed
                    • Display materials of a version with option of going to integrated
                    • material maintenance
                      • Display documents assigned to the layout module version in the relevant
                      • application
                        • Create and assign a layout module variant to the selected plant with
                        • display of variant's materials. Variants that have already been createdcan no longer be changed, as they may be assigned to severalplants, and the changes could thus affect all plants.
                          Access via Layout Module(s)
                          This access method is a maintenance transaction for a space manager. Allactivities needed to use the layout functionalities can be performedhere.
                          The system displays the following hierarchy levels:
                          • The selected layout modules

                          • The versions of the layout modules

                          • The variants of the individual layout module versions

                          • You can now perform various activities in the layout workbench:
                            • Go to the individual Customizing transactions e.g. for the maintenance
                            • of space management profiles etc.
                              • Go to transaction for shelf maintenance via the menu

                              • Go to transaction for layout module maintenance by double clicking on
                              • the layout module text or via the menu
                                • Go to transaction for layout module version maintenance by double
                                • clicking on a layout module or via the menu. If you double click, thelayout module versions of the relevant layout module are displayed.
                                  • Go to layout maintenance via the menu

                                  • The update BAPI of the interface to external space management programs
                                  • can generate error logs. These can be displayed here.
                                    • Change status of a version. The status of a version can be changed from
                                    • 01 (= planned) to 02 (= released), whereby certain restrictions must benoted:
                                      Old released versions can no longer be reset
                                      The currently active version cannot be reset. Active means currentlyvalid (see version validity)
                                      • Maintain assignments of materials to layout module versions

                                      • Maintain assignments of materials to layout module variants

                                      • Display materials of a version with option of going to integrated
                                      • material maintenance
                                        • Maintain assignments of layout module variants to assortments.

                                        • If themultiple assignment of assortments to plants is active, the variants canonly be assigned to the local assortments, as otherwise, they wouldaffect all plants to which that assortment is assigned.
                                          • Display materials of a variant with option of going to integrated
                                          • material maintenance
                                            • Display documents for layout modules or versions

                                            • If you select adocument in this document list and click on the "Display Document"button, the application is opened with the document.
                                              • Display assigned plants for layout modules or variants

                                              • Display assigned layouts for layout modules

                                              • Mass replacement and deletion of materials in versions and variants

                                              • Generate listing conditions.

                                              • Only the current and first future versionof a layout module can be listed. Only released layout module versionscan be selected. You have two options here:
                                                Generate listing conditions for all assortments for the selected layoutmodule versions
                                                Select one or more assortments for which the selected versions are to belisted. A prerequisite for both options is that the materials that areassigned to the layout module have a facing greater than zero, and thatthe layout module version has the status Released (= 02). A trafficlight icon for the assortment selection indicates whether the listingconditions for the combination of assortment and layout module versionare current:
                                                - Green light: The listing conditions for this version are current
                                                - Yellow light: The version has been listed, but listing-relevantchanges have been made since the last listing
                                                - Red light: The version has never been listed
                                                Access via general assortment(s)
                                                This access method is needed to effectively supportassortment maintenance for the multiple assignment of assortments toplants. Like the access via plant method, activities that could affectseveral plants, such as the maintenance of a layout module version, arenot possible here. In addition, only general assortments are displayed,as the maintenance of local assortments is possible using the access byplant method.
                                                The following hierarchy levels are displayed:
                                                • The assortments with assigned layouts

                                                • The layout modules assigned to the layouts

                                                • The versions of the layout modules

                                                • The variants of the individual layout module versions

                                                • Various activities can be performed in the layout workbench:
                                                  • Go to the individual Customizing transactions e.g. for the maintenance
                                                  • of space management profiles etc. However, it should be noted thatCustomizing activities are not normally permitted in a production system
                                                    • Go to transaction for shelf maintenance via the menu

                                                    • Go to transaction for layout module maintenance by double clicking on
                                                    • the layout module text or via the menu
                                                      • Go to transaction for layout module version maintenance by double
                                                      • clicking on a layout module or via the menu. If you double click, thelayout module versions of the relevant layout module are displayed.
                                                        • Go to layout maintenance via the menu

                                                        • The update BAPI of the interface to external space management programs
                                                        • can generate error logs. These can be displayed here.
                                                          • Display materials of a version with option of going to integrated
                                                          • material maintenance
                                                            • Display materials of a variant with option of going to integrated
                                                            • material maintenance
                                                              • Display of documents for layout modules or versions (if you select a
                                                              • document in this document list and click on the "Display Document"button, the application containing the document is opened)
                                                                • Display assigned plants for layout modules or variants

                                                                • Generate listing conditions. Only the current and first future version
                                                                • of a layout module can be listed. You have two options here:
                                                                  Generate listing conditions for all general assortments to which theversion is assigned
                                                                  Select one or more layout module versions for whose materials listingconditions are to be generated. Only released layout module versions canbe selected here. A prerequisite for both options is that the materialsassigned to the layout module version have a facing greater than zeroand the layout module version has the status Released (= 02). A trafficlight icon in the hierarchy indicates whether the listing conditions forthe combination of assortment and layout module version are current:
                                                                  - Green light: The listing conditions for this version are current
                                                                  - Yellow light: The version has been listed, but listing-relevantchanges have been made since the last listing
                                                                  - Red light: The version has never been listed