Programme SAP RWRF_PPW_WORKLIST_EXTEND - Worklist: Enhance Markdown Proposals

Program in the price planning application that you use to enrichmarkdown proposals in the worklist that were transferred frm SAP BI tothe ECC system. The enrichment includes master data, sales priceinformation, budget data, and stock data.

You can only select markdown proposals with status Enriched formarkdown price plans in the Price Planning Workbench.
You can use methodMODIFY_WORKLISTof Business Add-In (BAdI) WRF_PPW_X_WORKLIST_E to supplement or changethe enrichment of markdown proposals.
You can use BAdI WRF_PPW_X_WL_RLART_E to check the management of relatedmarkdown proposals. You use methodGET_OLD_RELATED_ARTICLES to determine obsolute related markdownproposals that should be deleted, and methodSET_REL_ART_FLAG_IN_WL to flag enriched markdown proposals for whichrelated markdown proposals exist.

The program first performs a consistency check for all the selectedmarkdown proposals. As a result of this check, the system differentiatesbetween three gropus of markdown proposals:
Markdown proposals that can be enriched (for the first time)
Markdown proposals for which no enrichment is performed
Erroneous markdown proposals for which enrichment is not possible.
After the standard consistency check, you can then use BAdIWRF_PPW_X_WORKLIST_E, which is given these three groups of markdownproposals, to perform additional checks and extensions.
In the second program step, the relevant markdown proposals areenriched. At first, this includes certain master data from the materialmaster or material hierarchy. The system also performs sales pricecalculation, using the proposed price reduction to determine the salesprice. The sales price information and calculated stock data are thenused to calculate the budget data for the markdown proposals.
In the final step, the enriched markdown proposals are updated. Becausethey already contain a lot of data for a price plan, the database tablesfor price plans are used to save; in the process, aflag as worklist entry is set in the leadingdatabase table, WRF_PPW_PPDART. As part of this update, you can use BAdIWRF_PPW_X_WL_RLART_E to check the management of related markdownproposals.

The program generates an application log for object WRF_PPW, subobjectWORKLIST, which you can navigate to directly during the interactiveprogram run.

We recommend scheduling this program for periodic background processingwith a suitable period interval and appropriate selection criteria, toautomatically and regularly enrich the markdown proposals that aretransferred to the ECC system.