Programme SAP RWRF_PPW_PROMOTION_BUGDET_CORR - Price Planning: Update of Promotion Budget

Program in the price planning
application used to update budget values for promotion price planson the basis of POS sales data at the end of the promotion or duringperiod-end closing.

This program closes the budget update for promotion price plansperformed within the framework of theactivation program for price plans.
You can freely configure the reading of POS sales data for the budgetupdate using the Business Add-In (BAdI)WRF_PPW_X_POS_READ_E. In the defaultimplementation, the system determines the POS sales data from SAP BWusing the normal retraction technique. In Customizing for Price Planningunder Configure General Parameters, you need tospecify an analytical application andmethod to be used for the data retraction.You make the settings for the data retraction itself in Customizingunder Data Retraction for Retail/CP.
Using the BAdI WRF_PPW_X_BW_QULTY_E,you can check whether the data quality of POS sales data for a priceplan is sufficient.

To execute the program for the budget update you must set theindicator for the budget update inCustomizing for price planning under ConfigureGeneral Parameters.
An implementation for the BAdI WRF_PPW_X_POS_READ_E is obligatory; animplementation for the BAdI WRF_PPW_X_BW_QULTY_E is optional.

When a promotion price plan is activated, the budget consumption valuesfor the budgets above are saved as "blocked budget" in the budget tablewith the actual values. The blocked budget is calculated in price planprocessing on the basis of the planned quantities that are entered andcan therefore only be an estimate. The actual sales quantities laterobtained in the plants may differ from the planned quantities.
The budget update calculates the actual budget consumption values on thebasis of POS sales data. The POS sales data is determined for thematerials specified in the price plan and for the plants in the priceactivation levels. These actual budget consumption values calculated arealso saved in the budget table with the actual values. At the same time,the blocked budget is corrected ("released") according to the price plandata.
Without the budget update to be performed in this program, thecumulative budget at the end of the budget period is calculated usingthe blocked budget. With the budget update, the cumulative budget iscalculated on the basis of the actual budget consumption. Therefore, youshould not calculate the cumulative budget until you have updated thepromotion budget.

The result of the program run is recorded in an application log forobject WRF_PPW, subobject BUDG_CORR. The log collectsinformation about updated budgets and error messages regarding failedupdates.