Programme SAP RWRF_PPW_PPD_DELETE - Price Plans: Reorganize

Using this program, you can delete price plans that are no longer used.

The deletion of price plans is independent of the archiving of costingdocuments and promotions, which means you can delete price plans even ifthe associated costing documents or promotions still exist in thesystem. However, be sure to note the flag for thecheck of existing promotions inthe selection screen.

To delete price plans, you need an appropriate authorization forauthorization object WRF_PPWADM.
You can only reorganize price plans with the status specified in theselection screen. If you have to delete price plans with a differentstatus in an exceptional case, you can use programRWRF_PPW_PPD_DELETE_DIRECT(transaction WRF_PPW16).

The program deletes the price plans that meet your selection criteria.

When promotion price plans are involved, you can specify a validity enddate, in contrast to markdown price plans and manual price plans.Accordingly, you can specify a key date for the validity end date as anadditional selection criteria for promotion price plans - eitherdirectly or with a past period.