Programme SAP RWRF_PPW_PPD_ACTIVATE - Price Plans: Activate

Program in the price planning application used to update thebudget use in the budget tablefor the actual values.
The program also performs an auxiliary task within the overall priceplanning process: It sets status Promotion Ended for promotion priceplans whose validity period has expired.

You can use Business Add-In WRF_PPW_X_STOCK_E
to check the stock quantity determination in this program (seeFeatures).
For promotion price plans, the budget used is initially updated as"blocked budget". The actual budget use is then calculated by thebudget update program based onthe achieved promotion sales quantities.

Only price plans that have status Conditions Created orConditions Created (Temporary) are activated.

The update of budget use differentiates between markdown price plans andmanual price plans on one side, and promotion price plans on the otherside. For the first two price plan categories, budget use is calculatedbased on the current stock. The program updates the stock quantities inaccordance with the price plan, and the budget data in the price plan isadjusted automatically.
When the budget data is updated for promotion price plans, thequantity rule for promotions<(><)> must beobserved. Accordingly, the update is performed using the plannedquantity or the updated stock quantity. If the stock quantities areupdated, the price plans are adjusted accordingly.
The status update of expired promotion periods has been integratedwithin this program, to avoid having to schedule yet another standaloneprogram for periodic background processing.

You use the selection criteria to restrict the selection of relevantprice plans (with the described required status).

The program generates an application log for object WRF_PPW, subobjectACTIVATE, which you can navigate to directly during interactive programexecution.

We recommend scheduling this program for periodic background processingwith a suitable period length.