Programme SAP RWRF_MPA_DELETE - Reorganize Markdown Profile Assignments in ERP System

This report is used to physically delete the markdown proposalassignments that are flagged for deletion in the ERP system and thathave already been extracted to the BI system from the database table inthe ERP system.

Profile assignment can only be performed in either SAP SEM or in the ERPsystem. In the ERP system, you can enable markdown profile assignmentusing a switch in Customizing. In the standard delivery, markdownprofile assignment is configured in SAP SEM. You must specify therelevant BI system in Customizing.

The report can be started either in test mode or in live mode.
In test mode, you are just told how many markdown profile assignmentsinthe ERP system can be deleted. In live mode, the markdown profileassignments that are flagged for deletion in the ERP system and havealready been extracted to the BI system are actually deleted.