Programme SAP RWRF_MPA - Markdown Profile Assignment: Material Selection

The Markdown Profile Assignment report makes it possible toassign markdown profiles to materials outside of operational assortmentplanning and control (purchasing list) in the ERP system.
In the first step, the user initially specifies various selectioncriteria in order to restrict the set of data to process. Based on thedefined criteria, a selection of materials is displayed in the worklist.The user then selects various items in this worklist, by selecting thecorresponding lines, and continues on to step 3. In this last step, theexisting assignments at the various levels are displayed and can beedited (assuming the user has the necessary authorization).Alternatively, the user can skip step 2 and go directly to assignment ofthe markdown profiles in step 3.


  • Profiles can only be assigned in either SAP SEM or the ERP system. The
  • ERP system contains a Customizing flag to activate markdown profileassignment. This flag must be set. In the default setting, markdownprofile assignment in SAP SEM is set.
    • The user must at least have authorization to display the profile
    • assignments.
      • The corresponding BW system has to be specified in Customizing.
      • Features
        1. Data Selection block:
        Various data selection options are available to users in the selectionscreen. Some fields are mandatory when combined with other fields. Theseconditions are checked by means of event control.
        The entry of the distribution chain is mandatory, for instance. Inaddition, the user has to specify at least one of the following:

        • Hierarchy node and hierarchy ID

        • Material group

        • Material number

        • The criteria selected by the user are linked with a logical AND operator
          When defining the selection criteria, the user has to make sure that theselection set does not become too large, as this can have a negativeimpact on both system performance and the manageability of the data.
          The maximum number of selected data records can be defined inCustomizing. If no value is defined, the number 5000 is used bydefault.If this number is exceeded, the system outputs a warningmessage.
          From the data selection screen, the user can go to step 2, the worklist,or skip step 2 and go directly to the levels in step 3.
          2. Worklist block:
          Assuming the user is at least authorized to display the data, all thematerials resulting from the selection are displayed in block 2.
          The highest level is always displayed - that is, generic material/singlematerial. There is no resolution to variant level. The worklist displaysthe existing profile assignments at the various levels. If there aredifferences between the assignments per material and level, this isindicated by a "not equals" sign. If a material and level do not have aprofile assignment, the corresponding display field remains blank. If auniform profile is assigned to a material and a level, this profile isdisplayed.
          After selecting one or more data records, the user can go to step 3
          • (profile assignment) by pressing one of the following buttons:
          • Single/Generic Material, Generic Material/Color,Generic Material/Size, Generic Material/Color/Size.
            3. Profile Assignment block:
            In this block, depending on the users authorization, the user candisplay, reassign, delete, or change profiles at the various levels. Themass processing feature enables you to assign a profile to several datarecords (selected previously) at the same time.
            Depending on which level is selected, the block displays either thegeneric materials and single materials, all colors/sizes for eachgeneric material, or all variants of a generic material.
            A value help function is available for choosing the suitable profile.
            Before the data is saved, it is subjected to a consistency check withregard to price-only materials and the markdown profiles.
            Any problems that occur are recorded in a log, a separate list thatopens automatically at the end of the check. A pushbutton is availableto display it at any time afterwards.