Programme SAP RWRF_APC_POST_PLITEM - Release Purchasing List Item(s)

Use this program to create order list items from purchasing list itemscreated in the Operational Assortment Planning and Control (OAPC)transaction.

You release purchasing list items in the OAPC transaction. This sets arelease flag in the record ('release requested').

If you want to release a purchasing list item for a planned material,you first have to release the planned material.

You can select purchasing list items for processing based on thefollowing criteria (multiple selection is supported):

  • Purchasing List ID

  • Material

  • Presentation Date Store

  • You can also restrict the items to be written into the order list bynarrowing the purchasing list selection. You can filter the purchasinglist search by:
    • Hierarchy

    • Hierarchy Node

    • Season

    • Season Year

    • Rollout (multiple selection supported)

    • Assortment Type (multiple selection supported)

    • If you select purchasing lists to restrict items, you must also enter atleast the hierarchy information. It is not possible to restrictpurchasing lists using only the other criteria.
      If you call the program without entering any selection criteria, you canrelease all purchasing list items that have the release flag set intheir master data records.

      The program generates an application log that is saved to database. Ifyou run the program in the background, the system does not display thisapplication log during processing, but you can access it in the databaseafter the job is finished.
      To see the log, use transaction SLG1 (Analyze Application Log)and enter the following selection criteria:

      • Object = WRF_APC

      • Subobject = PLRELEASE
      • Activities
        Call transaction WRFAPC12 to start the program. You can run the programeither manually or as a scheduled background job (for example, have thereport run automatically every evening).
        If you schedule this program in the background, you should schedule thematerial release program RWRF_APC_POST_ART (transaction WRFAPC11) to runfirst. This will ensure that all released planned materials are actuallysaved to databasebefore the purchasing list item release program startsto run.

        Suppose you have material XYZ that appears in purchasing list PL1 with aquantity of 300 and in PL2 with a quantity of 75.

        • If you choose to release XYZ for PL1 but not for PL2, then the order
        • list contains items with material XYZ in PL1 for a total quantity of300.
          • If you release XYZ for both purchasing lists, the order list contains
          • items with material XYZ both in PL1 and PL2 for a total quantity of375.