Programme SAP RWPLANTINC - Determine inconsitencies amongst site data

Determination of Inconsistencies in Master Data for Retail Sites

This report checks the consistency of the assignment of the followingdata to the corresponding site numbers you have selected:

  • Customer master data

  • A retail site master must be assigned to a customer master. Youmaintain this assignment for both the site master and the customermaster in site master maintenance. The system shows that the sitemaster data is inconsistent if:
    You do not assign the customer master to the site master
    You assign the customer master to another site master
    • Vendor master data

    • The check is the same as for the assignment of retail sites tocustomers.
      • Addresses - Central Address Management (CAM) addresses and address
      • references
        A retail site must be assigned to an address that exists in CAM. Areference address that corresponds to this address must exist. Thisreport displays inconsistencies in the assignments between retailsites, addresses, and address references.
        Only sites that are maintained as retail sites (sites with a settingfor the site category) are selected for these checks.


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