Programme SAP RWPCKEY - Convert layouts of product catalogs

You use this program to convert product catalog layouts.

The layout numbers of product catalogs are within certain numberranges. There is a separatenumber range for layoutsthat are created online, and also a separate number range for eachnetwork system from which product catalogs are sent viaApplication Link Enabling. It maybe necessary to change the limits of these number ranges across thewhole network, if, for example, an new system that send catalogs viaALE is included in the network. In this case, existing layout numbersmay then be outside the number range reserved for them. These layoutsmay then be overwritted for example by layouts that were created viaALE. To avoid this, you convert these layouts using this report.
In a system, this report only converts the layouts of catalogs thatwere created online in that system. If catalogs were created via ALE inthe system, conversion cannot be carried out using this report, as itcould result in inconsistencies in the catalog data of the sending andreceiving systems.
If it is necessary to convert these layouts using this report, thismust always be done in the system in which the catalogs created. Theresulting changes should be sent to the receiving systems using theusual ALE replication mechanisms.

Under Product catalog, choose the catalogs in the system thatare to be converted.
If you only entered one catalog, you can enter the number that the
layout is to be converted to in the Layout number field. If youdo not enter a number here, the report determines

  • whether a layout is to be converted

  • which number it is to be converted to

  • for each catalog.

    For reasons of performance, if catalogs are large you are advised toconvert them one at a time.