Programme SAP RWMBON20 - Check: Customizing: Subsequent Settlement

This report checks some of the Customizing settings for calculationschemas in Purchasing, particularly in Subsequent Settlement. Thefollowing are checked:
- Calculation schema assignments
- Multiple occurance of subtotals
- Occurance of non-permitted condition types in settlement schemas

Run the report. If required, you can switch off the additional checksfor the calculation schemas in the purchase order, pooled payment,vendor billing document and subsequent settlement.

The check protocol is a list that contains the assignments, error andwarning messages for the individual calculation schemas.
Messages are issued in the following cases:

  • If calculation schema assignments are missing

    • If calculation schemas are assigned to a number of different intended
    • purposes
      • If subtotals (in price determination schemas) that refer to
      • condition types subject to volume-based rebatesoccur several times
        • If no account key is entered for conditions subject to volume-based
        • rebates
          • If subtotals for condition types subject to volume-based rebates are
          • used that do not exist
            • If condition types for an inadmissible condition
            • class occur in settlement schemas
              • If condition type S000 or SBCB is missing in settlement schemas

                • If certain subtotals are missing in settlement schemas

                  • If condition types refer to non-existant From-level

200703Subsequent settlement: Error in Standard Customizing
72199Problem analysis update business volume data