Programme SAP RWMBON01 - Settlement: Vendor Rebate Arrangements, Purchasing

Report 'RWMBON01' is used for settlement accounting with regard tovolume rebate arrangements. (Often referred to in the SAP environmentsimply as "arrangements", these are agreements entered into withvendors governing the payment of various forms of rebate orretrospective discount, often based on the volume of business doneover a predefined period.)
Volume rebate arrangements created in the system can be selected usingvarious selection parameters.

  • Arrangements

  • Selection can be restricted by the number of the arrangement and the"condition granter" (the entity granting the rebate, which may beconditional upon a certain business volume for instance). By specifyingthe settlement calendar, you can restrict selection to arrangementsrequiring monthly or quarterly settlement for example.
    You can, of course, also select arrangements for which settlement isnon-periodic (i.e. for which there is no settlement calendar).
    Only those arrangements are selected for which an interim or finalsettlement is due according to the settlement date. In particular, forfinal settlement to take place, the validity end date must be the sameas or earlier than the settlement date. An interim settlement is due ifthe validity period of the period condition record has expired (that isto say, the expiry date is the same as or earlier than the settlementdate).
    The settlement date should lie in the past (except where settlement isbeing simulated or in the case of an advance interim settlement - seebelow), because settlement is generally only carried out with regard toarrangements or condition records if their validity period has expired.If you are not running the report in the background, however, advancesettlement is fundamentally possible.
    • Organizational data

    • Selection can be restricted to certain purchasing organizations andpurchasing (buyer) groups. Only those arrangements whose organizationaldata lies within the specified area are selected.
      • Accounting data

      • By specifying the posting date, you can determine the date with whichthe settlement documents are posted in Financial Accounting. Forexample, you can carry out the year-end final settlement in January,but still post the settlement documents to the previous year.
        • Status of the arrangement

        • Each arrangement has a status. By the suitable assignment of the statusindicator to arrangements, you can temporarily exclude certainarrangements from the process of settlement accounting for instance.
          • Actions

          • Simulate/perform settlement accounting
            Via the fields "Simulate/perform settlement accounting", you determinewhether settlement accounting is actually to be carried out (and asettlement list and settlement document(s) created) with regard to anarrangement. If the parameter "Simulate settlement accounting" is set,the system merely simulates settlement - that is to say, it determinesthe income due from the arrangement. The system checks whether or notthe settlement document (billing or credit memo document) can becreated. However, the documents are not posted. The user can choose anysettlement date for the purposes of simulating settlement.
            Interim or non-interim settlement accounting with regard to conditionrecords
            Via the fields "Perform interim settlement accounting" or "Performsettlement accounting" for condition records, you determine whether youmerely wish to carry out advance interim settlement accounting or finalsettlement accounting with regard to the condition record. In theformer case, the system checks on the basis of the existing cumulativevendor business volume whether any income can be generated prior to theend of the validity period of the condition record.
            Distribution (apportionment) of income among plants
            If, through your choice of settlement type (Customizing, arrangementtype), you have specified that the income from a condition record is tobe posted to a plant (site) account, you can specify whether thedistribution (apportionment) of the total income is to be effected byshare of business volume (that is according to the plant's share in thecondition basis), or evenly (that is, according to the number of plantsinvolved.
            • Sorting of list output

            • Here you can influence the sequence in which the settlement programprocesses and lists the arrangements.

              Settlement in the background
              It is possible to initiate settlement accounting in the background. Forthis purpose, you simply have to create a selection variant for programRWMBON01 and schedule a job.
              For security reasons, advance settlement accounting with regard tocondition records (where the settlement date is in the future) is onlyallowed in background processing if you are merely carrying out interimsettlement.

              To carry out settlement accounting, the status of the arrangement mustbe higher than or equal to the minimum status of the arrangement type.
              If provision has been made for the comparison and agreement of businessvolumes with regard to the arrangement, this must be carried out priorto final settlement.
              If settlement accounting is only to be carried out for the arrangementif no open purchasing documents exist, carry out a preliminary manualcheck using report RWMBON10.

              The output shows important data relating to the arrangement, such ascondition granter, validity period, or status.
              All settled condition records belonging to the arrangement aredisplayed. The scale and condition bases and the resulting conditionamount and income are displayed for each condition. Already-settledincome stemming from previous settlements or an interim settlement isset off against (deducted from) the amount calculated as being due.
              From the list, you can branch to arrangement maintenance. If a billingor credit note document was generated, this can be called up.
              The report is interactive. By double-clicking with the mouse on anobject you can branch to the object display. By double- clicking on thecondition granter, for example, you can branch to the vendor datadisplay.
              A large number of other functions support you in your work. Select therelevant object with the cursor and invoke the relevant function fromthe menu bar.

113031Subsequent settlement: Taxes
536466Subsequent settlement: Foreign payments
183379Composite SAP note subsequent settlement (Purchasing) 4.6
485130 Arrangement status for interim settlement set incorrectly
80233Debit-side settlement: Customizing, error messages
325341 Incorrect exception processing of user exit LWBON003
383600Income updating from settlement document not executed
202036 Termination TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED when you settle
457035 Incorrect doc. status if document not relevant to accounting
458695 Man. correction f. customer BillDoc income w/ partial settl.
437429Message SG105 List settlement documents, setting up incomes
433752 Error when checking for release to accounting
386157 Shrt dmp CONVT_OVERFLOW or BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW durng settlmnt
353546 Settlement of incorrect incomes via vendor billing documents
324705 Msgs MN781 or MN164 with settlement of rebate arrangement
324686 Message MN145 during rebate arrangement settlement
195730 Message MN684 in rebate arrangement settlement
216962 Comparison of period-specific condition ignored in settlemnt
72199Problem analysis update business volume data
69800Subsequent settlement: Error message - FF758