Programme SAP RWLFM40 - Automatic Document Adjustment of Payment Documents

You can use this report to automatically adjust payment documents toreflect condition changes.


  • For automatic document adjustment, you must first make the relevant
  • settings in Customizing. The system logs all the relevant paymentdocuments so that when conditions are changed it knows which documentsare affected.
    • Only payment documents for which no accounting or reversal documents
    • exist can be processed.

      If you do not enter any selection parameters on the selection screen,the system determines all the payment documents that are to be adjustedin line with condition changes. If you enter selection parameters youcan restrict this selection of documents.
      Note: If you have selected a document item, for example, byentering a material or a material group, the entire document isselected.
      The system checks whether any change conditions exist and changes theprice determination data. After a report is run, you receive a log thatdetails the messages that were issued.
      The price determination type you specify determines the type ofautomatic change made to documents. More details can be found in theinput help for the "Price determination type".
      Note: The price determination type influences the run timebehavior.
      You can customize the following in the "Control Data" group box:

      • Manually select worklist to be processed:

      • According to your selection criteria, the system first provides you witha list of documents for which condition changes exist. In this list, youcan select the documents that you want to process.
        • Only display worklist to be processed:

        • According to your selection criteria, the system creates a list ofdocuments for which condition changes exist. This list is of a purelyinformative nature; in other words, the documents are not processed.
          • Delete worklist after processing:

          • The worklist is deleted after the condition changes have been made. Thismeans that in a new program run the condition changes are classed ascompleted and are not dealt with again. Only condition changes for whichall the documents in the program run have been processed are deleted.
            • Delete worklist completely:

            • After documents have been adjusted, the entire worklist is deleted,irrespective of which condition changes and documents were processed inthe program run. In a new program run, all the condition changes thatwere contained in the worklist are classed as completed and cannot beprocessed again.
              Note: You should only set this indicator if you are sure that allthe relevant payment documents have been processed; in other words thatno processing is required for the remaining documents.
              You can run the report in the background. To do this, create a variantand schedule background processing of the report.