Programme SAP RWLF9022 - Generate Extended Remuneration Lists from Preceding Documents

Report "RWLF9022" (Create Enhanced Remuneration Lists from PrecedingDocuments) allows you to customize numerous agency documents together inremuneration lists.
Unlike the other reports used to create enhanced remuneration lists, inthis report all agency document categories can be used as precedingdocuments.

Selection parameter description
Note that F1 Help is available for parameters.

  • Document restriction

  • You use this to restrict the selection of documents to be processed. Youcan enter documents directly, or use other fields to specify thedocuments to be selected.
    • Organizational data

    • This allows you to enter cross-document selection data for worklistselection.
      • Program flow control

      • You can enter here whether all documents are to be blocked when thereport starts. This ensures that all the documents that fulfill theselection criteria can be processed.
        You can use the run name and termination time to control how long thereport should run before it is closed. If you have entered a run name,you can restart the report, and process the remaining data.
        For an overview of the worklist and the effects of remuneration listcreation, you can set the "Check Run" indicator. In this case, nochanges are made to the database.
        This procedure ensures that the report only places a load on thedatabase for a defined period of time.

        A list log is created of selected and processed documents. If necessary,all errors can also be logged.