Programme SAP RWLF9006 - Generate Remuneration Lists from Vendor Billing Documents

Use Report RWLF9006 (Generate Remuneration Lists from Vendor BillingDocuments) to group various vendor billing documents into remunerationlists.

Description of Selection Parameters
Note that F1 Help documentation has been created for each of theselection parameters detailed here.

  • Document Selection

  • Use this paramter to linit the selection of documents to be processed.You can enter documents for processing directly. Alternatively, you canselect the documents to be processed by using the additional fields.
    • Organizational Data

    • Use this parameter to maintain cross-document selection data that isused to select the worklist.
      • Program Run Control

      • Use this parameter to define if you want to lock all documents when thereport is started. By doing this, you ensure that all documents thatfulfill the selection criteria, can be processed. Use the run name andcancellation time to control how long the report is to run until it iscancelled. If you have assigned a run name, you can restart the reportagain, using the same name, and edit the remaining data until it iscomplete.
        If you want to get an overview of the worklist and the effects ofcreating a remuneration list, you can set the "Check Run" indicator. Ifyou do this, no database changes are made.
        These selection parameters ensure that the report only sends data tothe database in the define timeframe.

        A list log detailing the selected and processed documents is generated.If necessary, the log can also be configured to detail all errors thatoccur.