Programme SAP RWLF2030 - Create Settlement Request Lists from Preceding Documents

Report RWLF2030 (Create settlement lists from preceding documents)provides you with a tool that allows you to customize many precedingdocuments (single documents that are flagged for creation ofsettlement request lists) together in settlement request lists.
The system only considers preceding documents with posting status 'G'.

Selection parameter description
Note that F1 help is provided to describe the relevant parameters.

  • Document restriction

  • You can use this to restrict the selection of documents to be processed.You can specify documents to be processed directly or use the additionalfields to define the documents to be selected.
    • Organizational data

    • Here you can enter cross-document selection data to be used forworklist selection.
      • Program flow control

      • You can define here whether you want to block all documents when thereport starts. By doing this you ensure that all documents that fulfillthe selection criteria can be processed.
        You can use the run name and the termination time to control how longthe report should run before it ends. By assigning a run name you canrestart the report with the same name and finish processing theremaining data.
        If you want an overview of the worklist and the effects of settlementrequest list creation, you can set the check run indicator. In thiscase no changes are made to the database.
        This ensures that the report only presents a load for the databaseduring the specified time frame.

        The system creates a list log of selected and processed documents, andif necessary, it also logs all the errors that occurred.