Programme SAP RWLF2024 - Mass Price Determination for Payment Documents

Report RWLF2024 (Mass Pricing of Payment Documents) is a useful tool forcarrying out new pricing for payment documents, without having to selectand process each individual document separately.

Description of Selection Parameters
Ensure that F1 Help documentation exists for the affected parameters:

  • Valuation procedure: Here you can define the pricing type.

    • Document Selection

    • Use this parameter to select the documents that you want to process. Youcan define specific documents that are to be processed or,alternatively, you can use the other fields to define the documents thatare to be processed.
      • Organizational Data

      • Use this parameter to create selection data for all documents. Theselection data is then used to create the worklist.
        • Program Run Control

        • Use this parameter to define if all documents are to be blocked whenReport RWLF2001 is started. This ensures that all documents that satisfythe selection criteria are processed.
          You can enter the run name and cancellation time to define how long thereport is to run until it is complete. By assigning a run name, you canrestart the report using the same name and then complete processing forthe remaining data at a later date.
          To get an overview of your worklist and remuneration list generation,set the "Test Run" indicator. By setting this indicator, you ensure thatno changes are made to the database.
          This ensures that the report only accesses the database for specificperiods of time.

          A list log is created containing the selected and processed documents.Any errors that occur are also logged here.