Programme SAP RWLF2011 - Create Remuneration Lists from Posting Lists

You can use report RWLF2011 (create remuneration lists from postinglists) to include a lot of posting list documents in a remunerationlist.

Description of selection parameters
Please note that F1 help is available for the relevant parameters.

  • Document selection

  • You use this to limit the selection of documents to be processed. Youcan enter specific documents for processing, or use further fields todefine the documents to be selected.
    • Organizational data

    • Here, you can maintain selection data valid for all the documents forthe selection of the work list.
      • Program run control

      • Here, you can define whether you want to block all documents when youstart the report. This ensures that all documents that meet theselection criteria can be processed.
        You can use the run name and termination time to control how long thereport should run before it is terminated. Because you enter a runname, you can restart the report under the same name to process theremaining data at a later point in time.
        If you want to obtain an overview of the worklist and the effects ofremuneration list creation, you can select the Check run indicator. Ifyou do this, no changes are made to the database.
        This ensures that the report only creates load for the database in thespecified timeframe.

        A list log is created containing the selected and processed documents.Any errors that occur are also logged.