Programme SAP RWLF2007 - Generate Remuneration Lists from Payment Documents

You can use report RWLF2007 (create remuneration lists from paymentdocuments) to create remuneration lists from a number of paymentdocuments.

Description of selection parameters
F1 help is available for the relevant parameters.

  • Document restriction

  • Here, you restrict how many documents are selected for processing. Youcan either enter the individual documents to be processed, or specifythe documents to be selected by entering data in the other fields.
    • Organizational data

    • Here, you can maintain the selection data for all documents, which isused to cselect the worklist.
      • Control of program flow

      • Here, you can define whether you want to block all documents when youstart the report. This ensures that all documents that satisfy theselection criteria can be processed.
        You can enter the run name and termination time to control how long thereport is to run before it is cancelled. Since you have specified a runname, you can restart the report using the same name, and completeprocessing of the remaining data at a later date.
        If you want an overview of the worklist and the effects of remunerationlist creation, you can set the Check run indicator. In this case, nochanges are made to the database.
        This ensures that the report only accesses the database for specifiedperiods of time.

        A list log is created containing the selected and processed documents.Any errors that occur are logged here as well.