Programme SAP RWGRC_006 - Delete Goods Receipt Capacity Data

This program deletes the following data:

  • Vendor-to-door or vendor-to-staging area assignment data

  • Resources of a staging area or of a door

  • Documents with errors, which need to be postprocessed

  • Current capacity data of the doors or staging areas

  • The following functions exist to help you do this:
    • Simulation

    • Execute and Save

    • Display Logs
    • Features
      General Settings
      Choose between Simulation, Execute and Save, or Display Logs.

      • Simulation:

      • When you select this option, the system first only simulates thedeletion operation. Data is not deleted from the database. The resultsof the simulation are displayed in the temporary log. This log cannot besaved.
        • Execute and Save:

        • Select this option, in order to delete data physically and permanently.The results are displayed in a log (application log). This log is savedautomatically.
          We recommend that you first perform a simulation to avoid unintentionalloss of data.
          • Display Logs:

          • The system displays all of the logs saved for the object WGRC.Irrespective of further selections, no data is deleted. You delete logsusing transaction SFG2.
            • Log Handling:

            • The logs are saved in the application log. Whether online or inbackground processing mode, you can display the log using transactionSLG1 (object WGRC) and delete it using transaction SLG2.

              Select the data you want to delete by setting the relevant indicator(s).Where required, further restrict your selection by specifying additionalselection criteria.
              The respective indicator must be set. If you did not explicitly set theindicator, the system ignores the additional selection criteria.
              If you set an indicator without specifying additional selectioncriteria, all of the data is deleted from the corresponding databases.