Programme SAP RWDPOSDU - POS Outbound: Dummy Initialization

Dummy initializations are only to be executed if the POS systems in therelevant stores have all the data that is required when POS outboundprocessing is activated.
In general, the change function in POS outbound can only be activatedif a correct initialization has already been executed.
However, if all POS data is supplied from a legacy system, you are notrequired to execute a complete installation which is verytime-consuming. So that changes can be activated, the relevant entrieshave to be generated in the status tables for POS outbound. By doingthis, the change function believes that a correct initialization hasbeen executed. This is the role of the dummy initialization.
Note: After the dummy intialization has been executed, only datachanges that were made after the time limit for the dummyinitialization are taken into consideration during the next change-runfor POS outbound.