Programme SAP RWDBBRCV_HPR - Assortment List: Report for Restarting Packets After Shortdumps

Assortment List: Packets Recovery Report

This report allows to reprocess the packets which have failed duringthe initial run of the assortment list generation. (full version,change message or manuel request)


You can choose, which assortment list run you want to reprocess byindicating the run Id number.
It also possible to remove the failed packets from the temporary objecttables when they have been reprocessed successfully by selecting theremove flag.

This report reprocess the failed packets, create the assortment listIDoc and adjust the POS outbound log entries with the result of therecovery.
In a second optional step, the report will clean the temporary objecttables which have been recovery successfully.
At the end this report will display a summary for each assortment listIDoc created.